2024 | Exhibition

8th Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, Romania

The 8th Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, Romania, includes the third state proof of the mezzotint "Path", from 2023, among the 250 works in its main selection. The event takes place at the Arts Center of Transylvania and the Szekler Museum of Ciuc in October.

2024 | Exhibition

6th International Printmaking Biennale of Cacak, Serbia

The first state proof of the mezzotint "Path", from 2023, was selected for the 6th International Printmaking Biennale of Cacak, Serbia. The exhibition takes place at the Cultural Center of Cacak and the National Museum of Cacak, with the opening on August 30th.

Opening: August 30, 2024, 7pm
Cultural Center of Cacak
Cacak, Serbia

2024 | Exhibition

Tempo da Gravura in Anapolis

The Antônio Sibasolly Gallery, in Anapolis, Brazil, hosts a selection from "Tempo da Gravura", a group exhibition by the Ateliê Livre de Gravura of the Faculty of Visual Arts of the Federal University of Goias, which took place in 2023 at the UFG Cultural Center in Goiania. I participate with the prints "Razão de Sambar" from 2019, and "Composition III: temple, seed, genesis," from 2022.

Antônio Sibasolly Gallery
Opening: March 23, 2024, 6pm
Anapolis, GO, Brazil

2023 | University | Exhibition

Printmaking in Focus: 125 Years of Casa da Boia

The mezzotint prints "Juntacadáveres", "Ruin" and "Composition I: ruin in 3 parts", accompanied by a video showing the printing process, are included in the exhibition "Printmaking in Focus – a selection from the collection of the Unicamp's Department of Drawings and Prints”, which takes place at Casa da Boia, curated by Sergio Niculitcheff.

Part of the celebration of 125 years of the commercial establishment that houses a cultural space in the historic center of Sao Paulo, the exhibition brings together around 50 works by artists who are representative of Brazilian printmaking and who use intaglio techniques in their works, all belonging to the collection of the Department of Drawings and Prints of the Institute of Arts of Unicamp.

In the same place, on October 26th, the roundtable discussion "Mezzotint: contemporary perspectives on a traditional intaglio procedure" take place, mediated by the curator and with the participation of André Berger and Danilo Perillo.

Casa da Boia
Opening: September 14th, 1pm
Visitation: September 14 - December 1, Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:45 pm
Rua Florencio de Abreu, 123
Sao Paulo, SP

2023 | Exhibition

4th Yerevan International Print Biennale, Armenia

The drypoint and mezzotint print "Nervous" is among the 356 works by 231 artists from 53 countries selected for the 4th International Print Biennale, Yerevan 2023, in Armenia, organized by the Foundation KulturDialog Armenien.

The exhibition takes place from the 8th of September to the 8th of November at the Aznavour Center.

2023 | University | Exhibition

Coletiva do Ateliê Livre de Gravura da FAV-UFG

I was invited to participate in "Tempo da Gravura", a group exhibition by the Ateliê Livre de Gravura of the Faculty of Visual Arts of the Federal University of Goiás, at the UFG Cultural Center, in Goiania, Brazil.

Were exhibited 8 works produced between 2014 and 2022 (“Razão de Sambar”, “Juntacadáveres”, “Composition II: shadow, rest”, “Breed”, “Ruin”, “Carrion”, “Composition III: temple, seed, genesis” and “Splendor”) and 3 videos showing the prints creation processes.

UFG Cultural Center
Opening: 20 April 2023, 19h
25 April - 12 May, 2023
Goiania, GO - Brazil

2022 | Exhibition

7th Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, Romania

With events at the Transylvanian Art Centre and the Szekler Museum of Ciuc, the 7th Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, in Romania, exhibits among the 303 selected prints the mezzotint "Composition III: temple, seed, genesis".

Transylvanian Art Centre and Szekler Museum of Ciuc
Opening: 6 and 7 October 2022, 17h
6 October - 26 November and 7 October - 18 November, 2022
Sfântu Gheorghe and Miercurea Ciuc

2022 | University | Publication

Verve Magazine n.41

Verve, a magazine published by NU-SOL — Núcleo de Sociabilidade Libertária, from the Postgraduate Studies Program in Social Sciences at PUC-SP, celebrates its 20th anniversary in its 41st edition. I participate again in the "Intervalos" section, between the texts of the publication, with the mezzotints "Shadow" (2020) and "Rest" (2019).

2021 | University | Exhibition

Mostras do Acervo do Gabinete de Estampas da Unicamp

I took part in the Partial Shows of the Collection of the Unicamp's Department of Drawings and Prints, with the mezzotint "Juntacadáveres" in the exhibition "Forma e Transmissão" (from August 2nd to September 5th at GAIA Virtual, project by the Institute of Arts of Unicamp Gallery) and as a guest at the seminar "Production and research in printmaking at Unicamp" (October 6 at 2:30 pm, on the Institute of Arts Channel).

2020 | University | Publication

Verve Magazine n.38

The series of drawings "First notes from Goiás" (made with bone tip and walnut extract on paper) was published in the section "Interludes", between the texts of Verve nº38, NU-SOL — Núcleo de Sociabilidade Libertária's magazine, from Postgraduate Studies Program in Social Sciences at PUC-SP.

2020 | University | Exhibition

2º Salón de Gráfica Universitaria Nacional, Colombia

The drypoint "Beija-flor" was selected for the 2º Salón de Gráfica Universitaria Nacional, Edición Latinoamérica, organized by Taller Anacrônico, of the Universidad El Bosque, in Bogotá, Colombia. The exhibition takes place from the 26th to the 31st of October, and I joined as a student in the Postgraduate Program at the Institute of Arts of Unicamp.

2020 | University | Publication | Exhibition

That is the night: drypoint and mezzotint

The Master's thesis in Visual Arts at the Institute of Arts of Unicamp was defended at the IA Art Gallery, with an exhibition of the prints I produced during the research.
The defense examining committee was composed of Sergio Niculitcheff, Luise Weiss and Danilo Perillo.

Master's supervisor, Sergio Niculitcheff wrote the text "Poetics, research and procedures in the work of André Berger", a presentation about my work for the exhibition, open to visitors from January 14th to February 12th.

The academic defense format with the exhibition of the works was the subject of the article "Behind artistic works, theoretical and critical knowledge", which approaches some specificities of the Visual Poetics and Creation Processes line of research.

2019 | University | Publication | Exhibition

MMN – International Mezzotint Exhibition, Brazil

In 2019 we held the International Mezzotint Exhibition at the Institute of Arts of Unicamp. We had the participation of 37 artists from 22 countries, with 84 selected prints exhibited at the Institute of Arts Gallery and at the Printmaking Laboratory, where guest artists Nori Figueiredo and Rubens Matuck were also received for lectures and demonstrations open to the general public.

I developed the idea for the event together with Danilo Perillo, Luise Weiss and Sergio Niculitcheff, involving in the organization and production professors, students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and employees of the Gallery, the Laboratory, the Department of Drawings and Prints and the Institute of Arts.

The works were incorporated into the collection of the Unicamp's Department of Drawings and Prints. Artists from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Croatia, Slovakia, USA, France, Georgia, India, England, Japan, Mexico, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, UK, Romania, Russia, Thailand and Taiwan participated.

The exhibition was held from October 23 to November 19, 2019, at the Art Gallery of the Institute of Arts and at Unicamp's Printmaking Laboratory. The printing demonstration and lecture "Mezzotint and the invention of quadrichromy", with Nori Figueiredo: November 5th, at LabGravura. Presentation of prints, albums and matrices and lecture "Color matching processes in mezzotint printmaking", with Rubens Matuck: November 14th, at LabGravura.

In June 2022 was published the Exhibition's catalogue, in digital edition, with presentation texts by the organizers. At the Department of Drawings and Prints, the Mezzotint Collection made the exhibition's prints accessible for consultation, appreciation and research, keeping the International Mezzotint Exhibition available for a closer look at the State University of Campinas and for new exhibitions, along with the department's other collections, which may also occur outside Unicamp. From September 2022 to January 2023, the exhibition “Grassmann and the Unicamp's Department of Drawings and Prints collections” takes place at the Biblioteca de Obras Raras Fausto Castilho, containig the text "The Mezzotint Collection", in which I report this path of the works from the International Mezzotint Exhibition to the Department of Drawings and Prints.

2019 | Exhibition

Uni Graphica International Graphic Arts Festival, Russia

The mezzotint "Casta" is among 400 works by 175 graphic artists from 31 countries selected for the Krasnodar International Graphic Arts Festival, in Russia. Exhibition from September 12th to October 13th at the Kovalenko Art Museum.

2019 | University | Exhibition

Intercâmbio Internacional - Gravura: Práticas Híbridas, Colombia

Collective exhibition at the Museum of the University of Antioquia, in Medellín, Colombia, with colleagues from the Postgraduate Program of the Institute of Arts of Unicamp. After the exhibition, open from February 21st to May 30th, the prints “Casta”, “Ruína”, “Restos do cais”, “Juntacadáveres”, “Larsen anda no mau tempo” and “Puerto Astillero” are in the MUUA collection.

The Cultural project was carried out in cooperation between Brazil, Colombia and Serbia, by the Institute of Arts of Unicamp Gallery with the University of Antioquia and the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pristina.

2018 | Exhibition

Osten Biennial of Drawing, Macedonia

Participation with two mezzotints (“Casta” and “Ruína”) in the Osten Biennial of Drawing, in Skopje (Macedonia).

2018 | University | Exhibition

André Berger at FAAL

Solo exhibition with prints, drawings and illustrations at the FAAL Gallery, in Limeira (SP, Brazil).
Lecture and demonstrations on intaglio for college students.

FAAL Gallery
May 5th to 29th
Visitation Monday to Friday, from 7 pm to 10 pm

2017 | Exhibition

4th International Mezzotint Festival, Russia

From the 18th to the 22nd of August, the Festival dedicated exclusively to mezzotint, will exhibit my print "Juntacadáveres" at the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts.


2017 | Exhibition

19th International Print Biennial Varna, Bulgaria

The drypoint "Restos do Cais" and the mezzotint "Juntacadáveres" were selected for the Biennial exhibition, at the ‘Boris Georgiev’ Varna City Art Gallery, in Bulgária.

Boris Georgiev Varna City Art Gallery
Opening: 11th August 2017
11 August - 30 Setember 2017
1, Liuben Karavelov St., Varna

2016 | Exhibition

4th Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, Romania

With exhibitions at the Transylvanian Art Center and at the Szekler National Museum, the 4th Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland, in Romania, receives the mezzotint "Juntacadáveres".

Transylvanian Art Center
Opening: 12 October 2016, 17:00
12 October - 13 November 2016
OPEN Tu−F 10:00−17:00, Sa−Su 10:00−14:00
Sfântu Gheorghe

2015 | Exhibition

Celebrating Print, USA

Participation (as a Croatian citizen), with my mezzotint "Juntacadáveres", at CPC 2015 − annual exhibition of contemporary prints by Eastern European artists, promoted by KADS New York.

BBLA Gallery
Opening reception: Tuesday, December 8, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
December 7, 2015 - January 13, 2016
Viewing hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
321 East 73rd Street, New York, NY 10021
Bohemian National Hall

2015 | University | Publication

Rapsódia Magazine n.9

I had some drawings (made between 2010 and 2015) published between the texts of Rapsódia magazine n.9, philosophy and art almanac of the Philosophy Department – FFLCH – of the University of São Paulo.

2015 | Exhibition

9º Salão de Artes Plásticas de Ponta Grossa

Participation in the Exhibition, at Estação Arte, in Ponta Grossa (PR, Brazil) with the drypoints "Um", "Carniça" and "Revoada".

Estação Arte
Opening Tuesday, November 24th
Visitation until December 11th
Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm

2015 | Residency | Exhibition

Galeria Marta Traba

After attending the Open Printmaking Studio of Marta Traba Gallery in the Latin America Memorial (São Paulo, Brazil), I participated in the same venue of the "Graphic Interactions" Art Residency, under the guidance of Nori Figueiredo.

During the residency I developed a series of prints based on the novel The Shipyard, by the Uruguayan writer Juan Carlos Onetti. These prints ("Restos do Cais", "Juntacadáveres", "Larsen anda no mau tempo" and "Puerto Astillero") are part of the Cabinet Shows at Marta Traba Gallery, from the 2nd to the 16th of July.

2015 | Exhibition

SP Estampa

Participation in the collective exhibition SP Estampa, at Gravura Brasileira Gallery (Sao Paulo, Brazil), with the drypoints "Um", "Revoada" and "Carniça".

Galeria Gravura Brasileira
Opening on May 12th, from 5pm to 10pm
Visitation from May 13th to June 20th
Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm, Saturday from 11am to 1pm
Rua Dr. Franco da Rocha, 61, Perdizes
São Paulo - SP

2013 | Comission

Macumba Brewery

Design for the brand of Macumba Brewery, from Ribeirão Preto (SP, Brazil).

2013 | Publication

Goró – Só Mais Uma Ultiminha

The drawings of the series "Só Mais Uma Ultiminha" were published in the anthology Goró, an independent comic book released by the label Gordo Seboso.

2012 | Comission | Publication

Teco, o garoto que não fazia aniverário

Illustrations, cover and graphic design of the book by Marcelo Mirisola and Furio Lonza, published by Barcarolla.

2012 | Exhibition

República dos Arrombinhas

Event with launching and projection of films, concerts and collective exhibition of drawings and prints.

República dos Arrombinhas
Opening Saturday, October 6th, from 4 pm
Associação Cultural Cecília
Rua Vitorino Carmilo, 449, Santa Cecília
São Paulo - SP

2012 | Comission

Kinyoku – Delinquent Youth

Poster for "Kinyoku – Delinquent Youth", a short film by Ricardo Pinheiro. The drawing was made with ink on paper, and the title letters and spaces for the insertion of credits teared-off from the paper.